Bring value to your business

I am

I want to

One platform. Three targets

Sofware Vendors

More than 300 million terabytes of data are created every day, and real-time data analytics become the pathway to the speed and agility you need. However, uncleared data or a culture that isn’t ready for real-time data analytics can undermine the benefits.Implementation mistakes often cost time and money, which lead to bad business decisions. 

Unleash the full power of your data, thanks to our revolutionary AI-powered Data Factory! Analyze massive streams of data in motion in real-time and make sure that your data is clean from the start, to have faster insights and improved business processes. 


Quickly empower your services with our next-generation data platform with unique flexibility and transversality, for all your activities, without spending a fortune! IT organizations that are developing managed service activities rapidly realize how resourceful, expensive, and time-consuming it is.

Our revolutionary AI-powered Data Factory allows you to easily aggregate data from multiple technologies in real-time and makes this data usable as you wish (data de-normalization) to get a unified, transversal and multi-client vision.  


There is no question as to how critical information technology systems have become for businesses of all sizes. But is the performance and security of a hybrid IS still a demanding task for your enterprise? 

Through our partners we offer end-customers a new way to manage IT & Cybersecurity, thanks to our next-generation cockpits and SecObs solutions. They finally get the real-time view of their silos they’ve been looking for, with new ease of deployment, affordable budget, and on-demand expert support.