
There is no question as to how critical information technology systems have become for businesses of all sizes. But is the performance and security of a hybrid IS still a demanding task for your enterprise?

Through our partners we offer to end-customers a new way to manage IT & Cybersecurity, with next-generation cockpits and SecObs solutions. They finally get the real-time view of their silos they’ve been looking for, with new ease of deployment, affordable budget, and on-demand expert support.

SecObs package for SME

When it comes to cybersecurity and IT performance, many small and medium-sized businesses simply do not have the resources and accompaniment to equip themselves as they would like.

Low-security budget and lack of cyber-skills can seriously impact SME’s competitiveness and compromise even the value-chain they are connected to.

Thus, fully understanding these challenges, we designed a SecObs package, specifically for you. Thanks to our AI powered data factory, SecObs package for SME significantly reduces the potential attack surface of your organization, thus forcing attackers to look for an easier target. It’s time to give your team a transversal vision of the different deployed technologies that they use.

Get a unified vision of your security and observability at an affordable budget!

Monitor all activity in your infrastructure, authorize or refuse accesses

Make sure all accesses to your infrastructure are legitimate, block all access attempts thanks to your perimeter protection

Control the security of your infrastructure. Take all the necessary precautions to secure it according to the latest best practices

Raise relevant alerts related to the security of your IS, by aggregating and correlating information detection.

Make sure all your critical applications are available and optimal, to ensure good work conditions to your team

Get instant information on your attacks. When did the hackers break into your infrastructure? What methods did they use? What data was exfiltrated? Which systems were impacted?

SecObs Cockpit for End-Users

The phenomenon is well known and well identified. As organizations use more and more technologies, their data becomes increasingly siloed, and inaccessible beyond its initial scope.

A typical company today has data in multiple on-premises locations as well as multiple public and/or private clouds. The data is both structured and unstructured and maintained in a wide variety of formats which makes it very difficult for organizations to have a unified vision of their data activity, performance or security.

SecObs Cockpit for End-Users is changing the game!

Aggregate and simplify your data. Display management indicators in real-time on a centralized supervision cockpit, with enormous flexibility for a fraction of the usual price!

  • Apply a wide range of analysis capabilities to your data
    • Query
    • Aggregate
    • Diagnose
    • Predict
    • Translate
    • Identify
    • Get statistics
    • Governance
    • Quality control
    • Machine learning
    • Graph/NLP
  • Display information in several possible formats
    • Real-time cockpit
    • Expert Dashboard
    • Mini-customer portal
    • Workflow graph
    • Smart alerting

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